Sometimes setting goals is easier than accomplishing them. It can often be because of procrastination or a lack of structure in how you decide to reach a particular goal. Working backwards, however, allows you to specifically map out what you need to do to accomplish your goal. Research is an important component in this process. Research helps you define how many steps it will take to reach your goal depending on what your goal consists of. Say, for example, that you want to own a small business. What you need to do here first is to imagine yourself owning that business and then work backwards. Research the steps it takes to reach this goal and write them down. Writing things down and posting them where you can see them everyday is a great way to help motivate you to keep working towards what you want. The next thing you need to do is set a date. By setting a date you are giving yourself an ultimatum, so to speak. You are crystallizing when you want your goal to be accomplished. It does not have to be a specific date and time, but you have to narrow it down to at least a specific month or year. The value of working backwards to achieve your goals is that you are taking charge of your future while living in the now.